The eagerly-awaited comedy masterpiece by Wale Adenuga Productions, titled Knockout, was premiered to thundering laughter and several standing ovations on Sunday, April 14th, 2019, at the...
As part of the on-going promotional activities surrounding the newly-repackaged Papa Ajasco Reloaded TV Comedy, Wale Adenuga Productions has released some exclusive behind-the-scenes pictures and videos...
The recently-concluded special season of Superstory, titled Free to Live, just bagged another honour as Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3), funded by USAID – a United...
The much-publicised audition for ‘Free to Live’, an upcoming season of Superstory in collaboration with Society for Family Health (SFH), finally took place on Saturday, September...
Wale Adenuga Productions (WAP) in collaboration with Purple will commence the broadcast of a new season of Superstory, titled Stars & Scars today Thursday, July 28th...
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