Kenyan afro-pop band, Sauti Sol, recently released their first track for the year, titled “Suzanna“. “Suzanna” tackles the controversial phenomenon of sponsors/blessers. With their clever irreverent...
Beauty and lifestyle vlogger Dimma Umeh is out with a new episode of her vlog, and on this episode, she is sharing a DIY 5 minutes turban...
Makeup artist and Vlogger Ronke Raji shares a tutorial on her YouTube channel using a beautiful model, she shows us how you can get a simple...
I’ve been a nappy haired girl for the past 4 years. I’m currently in the second phase of my journey as I initially transitioned for 10...
If you’re an eyeshadow learner like me then you’ll love this post. In this video beauty vlogger Alissa Ashley shows us how to apply eyeshadow three...
If you love long lashes then this tutorial is for you! MUA and beauty vlogger Lola OJ has shared a super easy tutorial on how to...
Mo’Cheddah’s glow up in the past year has been amazing to watch. From her chic style to her flawless makeup, the music star has perfected the...
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