Dear Shade, My name is Kamsi, and I am an 18-year-old undergraduate. We lost my dad six months ago and my uncles, dad’s brothers, who used...
When a person writes their will, it means they are not only wise but considerate. They are also acting in love toward the people who matter...
Dear Shade, I am a single mother and for the past 6 years, I have been raising my child alone. I vowed to do whatever I...
A lot of persons are of the erroneous opinion that a large percent of insurance companies do not pay the policy sum, or that they find irrelevant...
I’ve found love for the first time really, and we just got engaged. Thing is, he is a bit younger than me and earns less than I...
A trust is an arrangement in which an individual’s assets are transferred to a trustee to hold for the benefit of named beneficiaries. With a trust, you...
Apart from finding a way to be financially productive yourself, even if it is through opening an investment portfolio that your husband can give you initial money...
Dear Shade, I’m in my early 30s engaged to a widower in his 50s. We plan to get married in a few months and I‘m already...
Hi Shade, I need your help to save my marriage. I ran into an old friend who bitterly recounted her ordeal in the hands of her...
Hello Shade, My parents left me a huge inheritance when they passed away last year. I am just 22 and I don’t think I have enough...
Hello Shade, My parents left me a huge inheritance when they passed away last year. I am just 22 and I don’t think I have enough...
‘I have a house, me and my husband are living in currently. It was given to me by my father and I managed to convince my...
Hi Shade, My name is Gloria, I got married 5 years ago at 35. Before the wedding, I already built a house at Mowe, a block...
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