Archewell Productions, created by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, has announced the launch of “Heart of Invictus,” the first project...
Bozoma “Boz” Saint John has been named the new chief marketing officer of Netflix. She replaces Jackie Lee-Joe, the one-time CMO of BBC Studios. The former...
It is common knowledge that Africa has a rich history in culture and storytelling, and John Boyega is among those that have been working tirelessly to...
It’s from the White House to movie making for the Obamas! Netflix on Monday announced that it has signed a deal with Barack and Michelle Obama to produce TV...
Netflix has announced that its hit show “House of Cards” will be returning for its sixth and final season without star Kevin Spacey, THR reports. Netflix’s content...
Shonda Rhimes, creator of hit shows “Scandal,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” and “How to Get Away with Murder,” has signed a deal with streaming giant Netflix, leaving Disney-owned...
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