“Man of Her Dreams” is created by acclaimed Nigerian TV show-runner, Victor Sanchez Aghahowa. The series stars Sonia Irabor as Kari and Folu Storms as Ladi....
“Man of Her Dreams” is created by acclaimed Nigerian TV show-runner, Victor Sanchez Aghahowa. The series stars Sonia Irabor as Kari and Folu Storms as Ladi. Synopsis: Kari...
“Man of Her Dreams” is created by acclaimed Nigerian TV show-runner, Victor Sanchez Aghahowa. The series stars Sonia Irabor as Kari and Folu Storms as Ladi. Synopsis: Kari...
Anticipated micro-drama series Man of Her Dreams has premiered. The 10-episode show run until 8th of March 2019. “Man of Her Dreams” is created by acclaimed Nigerian TV...
Anticipated micro-drama series Man of Her Dreams has premiered. The 10-episode show run until 8th of March 2019. “Man of Her Dreams” is created by acclaimed Nigerian TV...
A new micro-drama series, Man of Her Dreams is set to premiere on the 25th of February 2019. The 10-episode show run until 8th of March...
YNaija has released the 2018 edition of the #YNaijaPowerList for Media – “a roll call of the most powerful Nigerian influencers under the age of 40,”...
Emerging Digital trends are disrupting businesses, industries and people! Join us as we help you maximise the potential of your digital platforms. Not many businesses fully understand...
Daughter of media moguls Betty and Soni Irabor, Sonia Irabor has been named the Editor of Genevieve Magazine. Her mother, and publisher of the lifestyle magazine Betty...
It’s finally here! Suss Productions has teamed up with Red TV to produce a new and exciting web series called Inspector K. See photos from the...
On April 1st, 2017, the online lifestyle network powered by the United Bank for Africa, RED TV, held an exclusive screening for the soon-to-be-launched web series...
Suss Productions has teamed up with RED TV to produce a new and exciting web series called “Inspector K”. “Inspector K” is a Crime Comedy about...
Betty Irabor, Editor in Chief celebrated her 60th birthday with a soul train themed party and it was a night to remember. Click here if you...
Suss Productions has teamed up with RED TV to produce a new and exciting web series called “Inspector K”. “Inspector K” is a Crime Comedy about...
When your parents are two huge names in the Nigerian media industry, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to build your own brand but Sonia...
She is one of the most popular international beauty queens in recent years. From magazine covers to charity appearances all over the world, Angolan beauty queen...
We’ve given you the full scoop on the fashion at the 2009 Genevieve Pink Ball. I bet you have been wondering what happened after the red...
While everyone who attended the Genevieve Pink Ball put their best foot forward, some decided to put out two feet! So here you have it, the...
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