The Special Foundation is delighted to announce the success of their recent back-to-school program, in the Makoko community of Lagos State. This initiative aimed to provide...
The Special Youth Leadership Foundation (referred to as The Special Foundation) and the supporters of the cause on Wednesday, May 25th, 2022, visited The Lagos City...
After a decade of improving access to education for children from less economically disadvantaged communities and four years of operating as a registered foundation, The Special...
The Special Foundation is a privately funded social impact organization focused on building Africa’s next set of leaders by refining their minds through education. Since 2019,...
The Special Youth Leadership Foundation is a privately funded social impact organization focused on building Africa’s next set of Leaders by refining their minds through education....
The Special Foundation is a privately funded social impact organization focused on building Africa’s next set of Leaders by refining their minds through education. This is...
Waje is one of Nigeria’s biggest female singers who attained this success despite facing hurdles and setbacks that typically cause the average person to give up...
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