Simi premieres a colourful visual for the single “Loyal,” which features Fave, off her fifth studio album “To Be Honest.” Kemi Adetiba directed the video for...
The first teaser for Sillo Studios‘ film, titled “Inside Life,” is here. The film, which stars Samuel Perry (Broda Shaggi), Nedu ‘Wazobia’, Wole Ojo, and Hafiz...
The new episode of “#WithChude” features one of our favourite content creators and actor, Samuel Perry aka Broda Shaggi. He launched into our screens with the...
Coming off the success of the pioneer edition of the Lord’s Dry Gin Achievers Awards held on March 24th, 2019, Lord’s Dry Gin will be hosting...
Broda Shaggi is here with a brand new comedy skit, where he is slapped by the 2019 Big Brother Naija winner, Mercy Eke, after an odd driving...
Nigeria’s national operator, Globacom, on Thursday empowered 100 Nigerians who emerged winners at the first draw of winners in the company’s “Recharge and Win Big...
It was Fun Filled Sunday at the Silverbird Galleria Victoria Island, Lagos as Actors, Producers and Nollywood Top shots attended the Premiere of the Movie, ‘Another...
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