The premiere of ‘Skin’ The documentary produced by Beverly Naya and directed by Daniel Etim Effiong held on 31st of March, 2019 at Film House, Twin...
Fashions Finest Africa Epic Show is set to be next biggest thing to hit the African fashion industry. This would be three days of nonstop fashion and fun with...
In her first column as Editor for BellaNaija Style, Eki Ogunbor shares the first part of her skincare routine, answering her most asked question, “What cream...
Here is this weeks edition of Factory78 weekly news: Davido has finally been cleared by the Police of any wrongdoing and involvement in Tagbo’s death case; M.I....
Ghanaian musician Fuse ODG had in an Instagram post called out personal care brand Nivea for an ad campaign promoting a “fairer skin.” The ad, for the brand’s...
Ghanaian musician Fuse ODG on his Instagram has called out personal care brand Nivea for an ad campaign the brand is running all over Africa. The...
Fashion entrepreneur/Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 2005 Omowunmi Akinnifesi is the face of Nivea‘s new campaign in Nigeria. She stars in the ad for Nivea Natural...
Nivea gets backlashed for releasing a deodorant ad with the tagline “White is Purity”. Of course, the internet went ballistic and took it as a sign...
Congratulations are in order for American singer and producer The-Dream. He tied the knot with his girlfriend in San Francisco on Friday night. The-Dream who has...
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