Nigerian filmmaker and director, Niyi Akinmolayan in collaboration with Anthill Studios has shared the official trailer for his upcoming film, “The House Of Secrets.” The upcoming...
The trailer for RED TV’s “Assistant Madams” has arrived, and there’s a new trio in town, and they’re coming for you! This season tagged “Assistant Madams:...
REDTV’s web series “Assistant Madams” is back for a new season, and with the teaser, the forthcoming series promises to be mind-blowing. The first season featured...
A new movie, “Under The Carpet” is set to premiere on the 7th of March and will be available in cinemas nationwide from the 21st of...
There’s a new series that’s just caught our attention titled ‘Forbidden‘. The series, which is an Africa Magic original, revolves around lovers Demilade Doregos and Enitan Olanipekun...
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