“Fear is inevitable when the hunter is also hunted.” The official trailer for Toka McBaror‘s forthcoming film “Creepy Lives Here” has premiered. The movie tells the...
London Fever producer, Minasdollz has returned with a self-styled talk-show. The producer turned talk-show host who doesn’t believe in resting on her oars, has been working...
Menswear brand FreshbyDotun has unveiled their latest collection titled Sprig of Veldam just in time for the festive season featuring Nollywood actors Mike Godson, Okey Uzoeshi, Godwin Nnadiekwe...
Omoniyi Makun popularly known as Yomi Casual and his sweetheart Grace Onuoha tied the knot two weeks ago in a romantic fairytale outdoor ceremony which then transitioned to a...
Yomi Casual and Grace Onuoha‘s white wedding took place in Lagos yesterday. In case you missed it, here are the first photos of the couple at their wedding....
One of the most anticipated movies from the Nigerian Motion Picture, “London Fever” has been receiving accolades since premiering in London recently, at the Odeon Imax...
Last night Rok shut London down with the biggest Nollywood gala event. Rok on Sky held a huge launch party in celebration of the new channel that launched on Sky...
Several Nollywood stars are currently in London for the launch of #RokOnSky, a new Nollywood channel in set to launch in the UK. Nollywood actress, producer...
The premiere of new Nollywood movie ‘Remember Me’ by actress Uru Eke, took place over the weekend on Saturday, 19th of March, at the Oriental Hotel in Lekki, Lagos. The...
The Funnybone “Untamed” event held over the weekend at Muson Center, Lagos. The event was star-studded as several comedians and music stars graced the stage. M.I,...
Nollywood actress Ini Edo opened her lounge a couple of days ago. The grand opening of ‘Mimz’ was attended by a number of her colleagues in...
Nollywood actor Mike Godson is on the cover of the March 2015 issue of House of Maliq magazine alongside the gorgeous Tiamiyu Aderonke, who was one...
The Nigerian government continues to advocate for a violent-free election this February and the Independent National Electoral Commission has appointed a number of entertainers as the...
BellaNaijarians, this one is a must see. All Stars Movies Production Ltd. has released the poster for its movie starring Olu Jacobs, Ngozi Ezeonu, Ini Edo,...
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