FJ is on a trip with two guys and a girl and things start to escalate very quickly. The web series follows the hilarious adventures of...
Take the front seat on FJ’s latest ride with a very interesting Lagos Doctor on this episode of “Ratings“. The web series follows the hilarious adventures...
In this episode of “Ratings“, FJ encounters an elderly woman with a very interesting story. The web series follows the hilarious adventures of a taxi driver,...
Episode 5 of Ndani TV’s web series “Ratings” is here and this one is tagged ‘Getaway Car’. In this hilarious episode of “Ratings”, FJ finds himself...
Episode 4 of Ndani TV’s web series “Ratings” has premiered and this one is tagged ‘Wahala Couple’. It’s probably easy to tell from the title that...
In this episode of “Ratings“, FJ encounters a young woman who is seeking advice on behalf of a friend. What could possibly go wrong? The web...
The second episode of Ndani TV‘s comedy series titled, “Ratings” is here. The series features Michael Sani Amanesi, Jide Kosoko, Adekunle Bryan, and written by Bode Asiyanbi. In this episode,...
Ndani TV has premiered the first episode of the comedy series titled, “Ratings” which follows the hilarious adventures of a taxi driver – Fola Joseph, ‘FJ’...
NdaniTV presents a teaser for its forthcoming comedy series, “Ratings” which follows the hilarious adventures of a taxi driver – FJ. The series features Michael Sani...
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