The silence that surrounded us every day started because ten times we tried to have children; ten times we failed.
You matter. Not for the roles you play, your accomplishments or the burdens you bear, but simply for who you are: a (hu)man. You are enough,...
Once upon a time, 18-year-old Ava lived in a small town in Nigeria. She was not just any girl; she was a dreamer, a believer and...
From the moment we are born, we are led to believe that our lives revolve around times and seasons. Some seasons are pleasant, while others can...
A European football club announced the death of one of its past players, Luiz Suarez. Some people who didn’t read the club’s full statement mistakenly believed...
A little discomfort for someone shouldn’t hinder us from moving forward.
I lay on the mat and closed my eyes. It was silent; everywhere was dark, except for the pinkish, tiny light from my power bank. It...
And when we talk, we chortle at the thorns and joys in our paths...
It was just starting to get dark when the family of Brennan gathered for a brief celebration. His child was around too. They intended for the...
I hope we embrace the tenacity of a cockroach when faced with challenges, yet remain open to the possibility of redirection when necessary.
There's this thing about death, it offers you new eyes to life...
Sometimes, we set ourselves challenging goals, such as learning a new language or acquiring a new skill. On other occasions, we are presented with a difficult...
Consistency is a sign of dedication and passion towards a particular thing. It means repeatedly engaging in something, even if others don’t see its value or...
Our life is like choreographed movements in the dance of fate.
I started writing the common entrance examination in primary 3. I took lessons with my seniors and I did really well in school. By the time...
A lack of motivation gradually drains the happiness and energy out of you, leaving you lacking the confidence to succeed, and the strength to push forward.
First things first, let me start by saying that the economy is tough right now and Nigerians are not smiling. But we all know that, don’t...
Some days ago, someone asked how long it would take for people to notice if I accidentally slump in a shower. I took some time to...
When I was young, I dreamed of having a job that would provide me with financial abundance. But my siblings laughed at my idea, saying that...
I spent my holiday watching a lot of romcoms. The stories are all the same – 2 people, most likely different in ideologies, culture, and way...
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