Legendary Bollywood and Hollywood actor Irrfan Khan passed away on April 29 after a prolonged battle with colon cancer. Irrfan, who has been known to be one...
It’s been four years since theme park and luxury resort Jurassic World was destroyed by dinosaurs out of containment. Isla Nublar now sits abandoned by humans...
Universal’s Fast and the Furious franchise is showing no signs of running out of gas on the world stage. The Fate of the Furious, directed by F....
When a Steven Spielberg influenced project, filled with dinosaurs, is set to grace the big screens, one thing is very certain, a spectacular visual experience. But...
And the weekend is here again! It’s time to take a break from work, go clubbing, hangout, do fun stuff, and yes go to the movies. It’s...
Wow! Half of 2015 is gone already and truth be told, we have seen the good, the bad, and the not so good cinematic releases this year....
Thank goodness it’s Friday! Is it us or did this week feel extended? Anyway, we made it to the end and it’s finally time to unwind with...
Yipeee! The Jurassic ‘charm’ is back. If you have ever been a lover of the Jurassic Series, from its first movie – Jurassic Park in 1993, then...
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