Uber-talented singer and songwriter, Logos Olori and ace record producer, Rage join forces together for this addictive record titled “Jogodo.” The amapiano track “Jogodo” was produced...
Tekno has released the visuals to his single “Jogodo” which previously sparked controversy after Danfo Drivers complained he did not get their permission to sample their...
It appears all is well between Tekno and music duo Danfo Drivers – Mad Melon and Mountain Black – after the later claimed the former use...
Music duo Danfo Drivers (Mad Melon and Mountain Black) have called out Tekno for using the melody and beat in their song “Kpolongo” in his latest...
Beatmaker and singer Tekno aka Slimdaddy has released the single he teased on Instagram, titled “Jogodo.” The track borrows from the popular Professor Linkin‘s song “I Don Jogodo.” Listen...
‘The Egyptian baby is worried because his daddy is a mummy’ Olamide continues to set trends. This time the Baddest Guy Ever Liveth features Lynxxx and Ajebutter 22...
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