For Aaron Pierre, stepping into the role of “Mufasa” in Disney’s “The Lion King” prequel is more than just another acting job—it’s the realisation of a...
James Earl Jones, the iconic American actor whose unmistakable voice brought to life characters like Darth Vader in “Star Wars” and Mufasa in “The Lion King,”...
In the long-anticipated sequel of Eddie Murphy’s 1988 film “Coming 2 America”, South African actress and human rights activist, takes on the role of Mirembe, a...
The much-anticipated premiere of “Coming 2 America” took place on Friday 5th of March at Filmhouse Cinemas Lekki Nigeria with hashtag #Coming2AmericaPremiereNG and the theme- African...
The long-expected feature film, Coming 2 America, will release globally on Amazon Prime Video, on March 5, 2021. The film which features Nigerian actor, singer, and...
Get in here BNers! You can now watch the official trailer for “Coming To America 2“. The movie follows Eddie Murphy’s character, the “African prince” Akeem,...
The trailer for the sequel of 1988 romantic comedy “Coming 2 America” starring Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall has been released and from the looks of...
We can’t wait for the remake of “Lion King” to be released. The movie is set for a July 17 release and Beyonce, who stars as...
Beyoncé has been cast to voice Nala in the upcoming remake of one of the highest grossing animated movies of all time “The Lion King.” Disney released...
British born Nigerian Chiwetel Ejiofor, who was nominated for an Oscar for his leading role in 12 Years a Slave, is in talks to voice the...
Beyoncé is the top choice for the role of Nala in the remake of one of the highest grossing animated movies of all times, Lion King. Jon Favreau...
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