Following last year’s holiday film, “Ada Omo Daddy“, Mercy Aigbe is returning to keep the festive excitement alive with her latest project “Thin Line.” The actress...
Inkblot Productions has released the first teaser for the upcoming romantic drama “Big Love” starring Bimbo Ademoye and Timini Egbuson as lovers. The film, directed by...
Directed by Adeniyi Joseph Omobulejo, often known as TAJ, and executive produced by Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi, “Ololade” is a new Yoruba series that tells the story of...
Hello BellaNaijarians! In this section, we showcase full-length Nigerian movies for our film-loving BNers. There are throwback movies, new movies, Yoruba movies, Igbo movies, Hause movies,...
Toyin Abraham Production presents the teaser for her forthcoming biopic “IGE“. The movie “IGE (The unlikely oil merchant)” is an inspirational story of ambition and tenacity...
On June 1st, Dano joined the 20th celebration of World Milk Day. Dano’s annual World Milk Day awareness, which centres on the importance of milk to...
The official teaser of The Reunion, featuring Mercy Johnson, Lilian Esoro, Tana Adelana, Jide Kosoko, Jaiye Kuti is here! Directed by Thomas Odia, The Reunion is...
The Premiere for “The Grudge” held over the weekend and the premiere was attended by several top stars in Nollywood. Richard Mofe-Damijo, Mike Ezuruonye, Gideon Okeke,...
One of the stars of the widely watched TV sitcom Tinsel Funmi Holder comes to town with her movie The Grudge. The actress, writer and producer...
We’ve seen stars like Stella Damasus, Ramsey Nouah and Mike Ezuruonye who are well known English-speaking actors choose to play characters in a Yoruba movie. You...
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