South African filmmakers Jac Hamman and Sarah Scrimgeour have bagged an International Emmy for their outstanding work on the animated Christmas special “Tabby McTat.” The film...
Cartoon Network and Max have just released the first look at “Iyanu,” an exciting animated series inspired by the graphic novel “Iyanu: Child of Wonder,” created...
The epic children’s animated series “Iyanu The Series” now has a theme song for its world premiere, performed by the Grammy award-winning singer Yemi Alade. This...
Fresh off the release of his hot new single, Iyanya has followed up with a spanking video for his recently released song, “Iyanu” (Holy Water). The...
Award-winning singer, Iyanya who is basking in the success of his just concluded European tour follows up with the release of new smoking hot photos. The...
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