The first teaser for Sillo Studios‘ film, titled “Inside Life,” is here. The film, which stars Samuel Perry (Broda Shaggi), Nedu ‘Wazobia’, Wole Ojo, and Hafiz...
Light Will Come is a romantic comedy written and directed by multiple award-winning director Tchidi Chikere. Filled with a few of Nollwood’s finest comedy actors such...
Nigerian comic actor Hafiz “Saka” Oyetoro gets a new gig. Saka has signed on to feature in a new campaign by hair care brand Soul Mate....
It was a bevy of stars and fans of AY on Sunday night at the Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. The Nigerian comedian held...
It isn’t exactly a happy moment for funny man Hafiz “Saka” Oyetoro. The Nigerian comic actor’s office was burnt down recently. The unfortunate incident took place...
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