The crime-action thriller ‘Brotherhood’, a film produced by award-winning filmmaker, Jade Osiberu, is set to hit cinemas across Africa today, Friday, September 23rd, 2022. Brotherhood features a...
The much-awaited premiere of Jade Osiberu x Greoh Studios‘ “Brotherhood” took place on Friday, September 17 at The Jewel Aeida in Lagos, with the hashtag #BrotherhoodTheMovie...
Nollywood filmmaker, Jade Osiberu has inked a deal with Prime Video. In her three-year deal, Jade will develop new projects for original TV and movies that...
GreoH Studios has released the first trailer for the long-awaited film “Brotherhood.” See the BTS photos and cast posters here. In the crime-action thriller, Falz and Tobi...
GREOH Studios has released character posters for its upcoming film “Brotherhood” and they’re looking so good! The crime-action thriller about twin brothers on opposite sides of...
Jade Osiberu‘s film and TV production company GREOH Studios has announced the cast of its latest film “Brotherhood“. The crime-action thriller about twin brothers on opposite sides...
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