On March 24, Multichoice Nigeria and Africa Magic announced the nominees of the 10th edition of the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards. This prestigious annual award...
Play Network Studios has unveiled the official trailer for his upcoming first original Netflix title, “Blood Vessel.” Directed by Moses Inwang, the survival drama is set...
Showdeck TV has released the final part of Taiwo Shittu’s high school web series titled “Girl Meets Boy.” The series stars Cynthia Ebijie, Emmmanuel Nse, Erica...
Entertainment YouTube channel Showdeck has released the second part of Taiwo Shittu’s high school drama series, titled “Girl Meets Boy.” The series stars Cynthia Ebijie, Emmanuel...
Showdeck has released the first episode of season two of Taiwo Shittu’s high school drama series, titled “Girl Meets Boy.” The series stars Cynthia Ebijie, Emmmanuel...
Entertainment channel, Showdeck have shared the fifth installment of its new high school drama web series, “Girl Meets Boy.” Created by Taiwo Shittu “Girl Meets Boy”...
Showdeck has released episode four of its new high school drama series, “Girl Meets Boy.” Created by Taiwo Shittu, “Girl Meets Boy” stars Cynthia Ebijie, Emmmanuel...
Showdeck, in collaboration with Taiwo Shittu, has released the first episode of its high school drama series titled “Girl Meets Boy.” The new series stars Cynthia...
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