The halls of Filmhouse Cinemas, Lekki, Lagos State, were lit with celebrities, color and fun fair, as Accelerate TV premiered its debut drama series, Corper Shun...
Serving the country is about to get way more complicated than these corps members ever imagined. Accelerate TV has released the official trailer for a new...
Serving the country is about to get way more complicated than these 5 corpers ever imagined. Accelerate TV has released the teaser for a new TV...
Hey BellaNaijarians, We’ve officially kicked off a weekly segment born of our love for movies and series, titled BN Movie Feature. This week we’re featuring “Lights Out”. Lights...
In the two-part season finale of This is It, the Mwendas exchange heartfelt letters to mark their first year anniversary and two real-life young couples – The...
Okay, this is an emotional episode! Just a few weeks to their first wedding anniversary, Tee and Dede experience a rude shocker and begin a new...
On a new episode of This is it, worried about Tee‘s recent mood and behaviour, Dede mysteriously sets him up for a therapy session with the crazy...
The two-part mini-series This is It is back with season 2! The series is focused on the first year of the young, clueless newlyweds Tomide played by Nick Mutuma and Dede played by Chiagoziem Nwakanma....
The two-part mini-series This is It is back with season 2! The series is focused on the first year of the young, clueless newlyweds Tomide played...
It’s another Tuesday and you know it’s time for another episode of LowladeeTV’s This is is It! Being a prude, Dede panics over Tomide’s ‘3rd Base’ fantasies...
Akah Nnani is out with a new episode of ‘Akah Bants’ and this time he is with ‘This is it’ Stars Nick Mutuma and Chiagoziem Nwakanma. He says:...
LowlaDeeTV, the producers of the multiple award winning short film ‘Brave’ have released the first episode of “This Is It” starring popular Kenyan actor Nick Mutuma as...
LowlaDeeTV, the producers of the multiple award winning short film ‘Brave’ have released the official trailer of their maiden miniseries “This Is It” starring popular Kenyan...
Kenyan Shuga star Nick Mutuma stars in Filmmaker LowlaDee’s upcoming Romantic-Comedy TV series ‘This Is It’. The series also stars and introduces Nigerian actress, Chiagoziem Nwakanma...
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