Funke Akindele-Bello and JJC Skillz‘ first directorial collaboration, “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)” follows the life of Lefty (Funke Akindele-Bello) and her friends, Chummy Choko (Chioma Akpotha), Busty (Eniola...
Comedian and filmmaker Ayo Makun popularly known as A.Y has started a brand new comedy series titled “Call To Bar” the comedy series is based on...
It’s not every time awards ceremonies in Nigeria celebrate the individuals working behind the scenes in the music industry. The Beatz Awards aims to do just that....
It was a great evening filled with amazing looking people when Delphino Entertainment hosted Ice Prince at an exclusive event at Clan Cafe in Abuja on...
It was an amazing two days of fashion and entertainment as the 4th installment of Runway Abuja held at the Congress Hall of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel...
In Abuja on Monday the 23rd of September 2013, Makosi Musambasi launched her very first book – Self-Love: the Ultimate Choice. The launch, which also doubled...
On Sunday 18th August 2013, the Nation’s Capital city – Abuja, experienced a night of style, fun, networking and non stop entertainment as Delphino Entertainment organised...
Brides Day Out -A Wedding Guru experience- took place on the 23rd of June 2013 in Abuja and on the 21st of July 2013 in Lagos....
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