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Efua Oyofo: Tea Tree Oil, Papaya, Cocoa Butter & More! 6 Great Ways to Reduce Scars Naturally

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 on there’s one question I get asked regularly, it’s how to reduce the appearance of scars.

For many women of color, scarring is a way of life. From acne scars and keloids to stretch marks and discoloration, it can be frustrating to realize that your attempts at smooth and even skin can be marred by something as trivial as a mosquito bite or a skin irritation.

Thankfully, mother nature has her ways of solving many of our skincare needs. She does this by ensuring that most of the products engineered to help get rid of scars, are rooted in flora or fauna-based products. These essential oils, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), and even foods, all help nourish and cleanse our skin and can be found almost anywhere.

One of the reasons that I like using natural products for getting rid of scars is because they feel completely natural and organic. I like knowing exactly where all the ingredients within some products come from, which is a great way to ensure your bodies get the best treatment.

To help get you on your way to even and beautiful skin, here are 6 items you can use by eating or applying them topically.

Aloe Vera

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Hello sunburn, meet your worst nightmare. Aloe vera (aloe barbadensis) is a great natural fixer for sun burns and irritation caused by the sun. The cooling feeling it gives is extremely soothing and it’s natural toxins help fade scars naturally.

I like using this to ease the irritation by topically applying it to the area affected. It soothes the pain and heals the redness and scarring the sun has caused.

Cocoa Butter

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With its intense chocolate fragrance, this is the great-smelling distant cousin of shea butter.

Also known as theobroma oil, cocoa butter is great for healing scars, especially those that are fresh. It also seals in moisture, so it works wonderfully as an alternative moisturizer.

Lemon Juice

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Even though I have never tried this personally, I’ve heard many amazing benefits of using lemon juice.

It can be used to fade scars due to its potency of citric acid. All you have to do is squeeze some juice from the lemon into a bowl, dampen a cotton ball with the liquid and apply to the affected area.

This can be very harsh, so it is advisable for you to dilute it with a little water, and stay away from sunlight for a while.

Papaya/Paw Paw

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Paw-paw, also known as Vasconcellea Pubescens, is nice, cooling and soothing.

This is regarded as a super fruit which helps aids clarity and skin. Paw Paw contains rejuvenating enzymes that exfoliate your skin to unveil the new layer of skin that is more even and clearer.

Tea Tree Oil

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Tea tree oil is an anti-fungal essential oil that works well on gradually removing newer scars.

Derived from the Tea Tree plant, it also has anti-bacterial properties and is great for reducing the effects of ailments such as athlete’s foot and dandruff. I use it to keep my scalp nice and clean.

Caution: It is worth noting that it should never be taken internally, under any circumstances.


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The lactic acid makes yoghurt quite good for your face, and your body.

Yoghurt is full of wonderful skin-saving ingredients such as Vitamin D, proteins, and probiotics (the good sort of bacteria). Lactic acid is a great alpha-hydroxy acid, and it works wonders at giving your skin a fresh, dewy glow.


Sharing is caring. Let us in on some of your favourite scar reducing treatments!

Photo Credit: Dreamstime/Julia Sunditskaya | Ang Hui Hoen | Aaron Hernandez | Olyina | Goldnetz

Beauty and curvy blogger, travel and experience lover, dedicated to promoting happiness and enjoying all of life’s wonders and inspirations. I write sometimes. Blogs: Dating While Nigerian - a collection of curated relationship stories about dating as Nigerians. The Beauty Project - A beauty and lifestyle columnist, celebrating beauty, from the inside and on the outside in all it's various forms. Instagram: @efuastar Twitter: @efuastar
