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Here’s the Style Inspiration you need for Mercy Johnson’s ‘The Legend of Inikpi’ Movie Premiere themed #EpicInGold

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Mercy Johnson’s epic film ‘The Legend of Inikpi’ premieres this Sunday and fashion illustrator Victor Mendie decided to come up with an interesting contemporary angle to the dress code of the day! With Epic in gold, Victor Mendie has given us the 6 ways you can incorporate trendy glam to slay the red carpet at #theLegendofInikpi premiere

Accessories: A choker, a brooch, a bejeweled purse and of course a tiara. It doesn’t get more epic than that

A cape: Whether you’re a he or she, capes have been around for centuries so they are perfect for your epic slay this Sunday. Throw one over your shoulder and move!

A statement crown: Yes something strong and gold will do, the rest of your outfit can sit in the background while your crown steals the spotlight as it should!

Big Buttons, but make it fashion! Nothing like a row of buttons to finish off a flamboyantly epic look, whether the buttons are actually holding anything up or just

All that structure: Yes the cut, the angles, and the fit are crucial because nothing stands out like impeccable, flawless tailoring

Slits and legs: As long as we see gold, let your legs shine!

BellaNaija is a media partner for Mercy Johnson’s Legend of Inikpi
