“Be careful what you say to others…Hateful words are dangerous” – Betty Irabor
Every Tuesday Genevieve magazine publisher Betty Irabor shares some wise words on her social media page under the tag “Talk Tuesday”.
Here’s what she had to share today:
TALK TUESDAY.. This will make you cry.
A man comes out of coma and begins to make these negative confessions, he mumbles incoherently ;” You will amount to nothing, You are no good, You are a failure, every thing You touch You destroy. Idiot, stupid “. The nurses and doctors look on in utter shock. They hold his hands affectionately and tell him he had just come out of a 3 weeks coma and should be rejoicing as everyone around him was. Then he starts to tear up and continues with his melancholic mumble. Confused, the nurses and doctors turn to his wife and children for a possible explanation.there is a pregnant pause before one of his children breaks down hysterically and says sadly “those are the words mother hauled at him all the time before his accident..mother made his life so miserable”..Be careful what you say to others.. Hateful words are dangerous arsenals and contrary to the nursery rhyme that “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me” ..Words can hurt people, words can kill. Kind words on the other hand can heal the broken, the sick, the rejected and the depressed.
If you were the wife in this story how would you feel… ?? I know how I will feel for the rest of my life.