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Work Mode with Brown Uzoukwu: 4 Simple Tips For Career Advancement

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Nobody sets out on a career journey with the intention of marking time on one spot. We all desire to see our careers move upwards, regardless of the industry we play in. If we must be considered for promotion up the corporate executive ladder, then we must take necessary action to prepare for career advancement. In order to give our career the needed quantum leap, below are four simple tips that we must keep very close to our hearts.

Be Obsessed with Learning
Lack of knowledge never has been and never will be an insurmountable obstacle to anyone, no matter how much or little formal education a person has. Lack of knowledge is usually used more as an excuse than as a valid reason for not doing a job. We must always crave to learn. Learning is key to career improvement. You can acquire knowledge about any subject in the world if you have enough interest and desire to do so. You can research for new trends in your field, pursue fresh ideas, ask questions and expand your horizon. There is absolutely no substitute for knowledge. In fact, when you KNOW, it gives you an EDGE.

Embrace Training and Capacity Development
Like I always say, continuous training is the only way we can get to covert our potentials to skill. Great potentials can never guarantee career advancement, rather great skills do.
Take advantage of managerial and executive training offers. I think that people would jump at a chance like that. Amazingly, they don’t. They give a variety of reasons for not being able to accept the offer. Some turn down such offers based on the fear of being tied down by the sponsoring organization. A lot of young career persons fear that when they take up such opportunities, they no longer own themselves.
If you want to get ahead, then, take every opportunity that is offered to you for self improvement. It’s one of the surest methods you can use to gain unlimited edge in your organization and industry.

Reach Out For More Possibilities
You really start to grow when your job is just a little too big for you to handle easily without effort. If your current job description is no longer a real challenge to you, then it is time for you to look around – especially above you – for new territories to conquer.

For instance, tell your Head of Department or supervisor you would be glad to help out with some of his routine daily duties so he can have more time for higher level responsibilities. You can bet he will reward you with more work, too, and he will keep his eye on you to see how you handle it. To whom much is given, much is required. That is the way of advancement.

Get a Grip on People
If you want to climb the corporate ladder successfully and seamlessly, you must understand how to stimulate people to do your bidding. Remember you have to lead people by motivating them, not push them. In fact, instead of pushing people, you pull them. Learn to attract people.
If you don’t like people, if you cannot develop a deep and sincere interest in them and their problems, you might never make the advancement to top notch executive level. Play by the platinum rule of human relations. Do unto others how they would like done unto them.

Have a great week and stay productive.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime

Brown Uzoukwu Educates and Inspires Young Professionals to Pursue their Dream Careers and Thrive in a Challenging and Positive Work Environment. He Provides Training and Coaching solutions for Schools, Small and Medium Organizations, Youth Forums and Individual Professionals. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +234 (0)813 3514 781
