Isaac Newton’s “Living In Gidi” Is So Realistic, it Might Steal Your Phone! #LiterallyWhatsHot

This is Isaac Newton and no he did not discover Gravity, but he did write this awesome, beautiful and funny book titled “Living In Gidi.”
It was the year 2008 and I was going back to school after a 6 month break imposed on us by the constant ASUU strikes. I, alongside my neighbor and friend, Dupe, decided to take our usual school shopping to Oshodi.
I took a small purse and kept my phone … a flip Nokia phone and all my shopping money in it and placed all of them in a big BagCo sack.
After hours of shopping, it was time to pay for yet another cheap leather bag Oshodi had blessed me with, so I rummaged through my sack for my purse. At first, I thought that my purse was hidden beneath my numerous purchases.
So I sat down at the bag seller’s stall and patiently looked for it, removing every single item from the sack. It wasn’t until I a saw large, razor torn hole by the side of my sack, that I realized what happened. My phone had been kidnapped!
In Isaac Newton Akah’s Living In Gidi, there are far worse tales than mine.
All humorously relatable because even if it hadn’t happened to you, it has happened to a friend, or a friend’s sister, or a relative. Maybe you even saw it happen with your koro-koro eyes and went home to regale your family about the wonders that never end in Lagos.
Isaac Newton (not to be confused with the man that discovered Gravity) Akah tells the real situation of what living in Lagos is like and enhances his stories with very colorful pictures of the real Gidi.
Not the Gidi that we now see in new Nollywood flicks with urban roads, posh houses, quiet neighborhoods and that freaking Lekki-Ikoyi link bridge! But the one that 80.789% percent of us grew up in and still live in.
In Isaac’s Living In Gidi, you can’t afford to be sluggish, a stranger cannot touch you and you accept their sorry just like that. Man, check your pockets to see if your wallets and phones are still intact. And then check your privates. Yes, your balls, penis and even vagina because this is Lagos! Are you a learner?! You will even find yourself subconsciously doing this as you read Isaac’s book, it’s that realistic and that good!
Isaac Newton Akah, with apt similes and an impeccable use of wit and humor, takes us all on an eye-opening journey in Lagos living with just 74 pages and dozens of beautiful pictures of Lagos. You will laugh and you will laugh again and again, and each episode will remind you of a long forgotten experience in the bubbling city of Lagos.
Isaac’s Living In Gidi is literally the bible of Gidi!
It opens your eyes and with it, you will learn how to shine it. You will also learn that between all the hassles and bustles that Lagos living brings with it, you will find the most beautiful friendships, the most gorgeous girls on earth, and you will realize that if you can survive in Lagos, you can survive in anywhere else!
Interested in discovering the real Lagos on your phone … without actually losing your phone? Then start reading Living In Gidi today on your mobile device via the free app available here.
Hurry before police arrest you.
Nimide Ogbeun is a book
addict lover, an unrepentant coke addict and a hopeless romantic. When she’s not trying to expand her shoe closet or dreaming up the perfect getaway, she works as the Assistant Editor of StyleVitae.
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