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Collection Conversations with Eki & Richard: It’s a Case of the X

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BN Style presents Collection Conversations, a weekly round up of all the collections and look books from African designers featured on BN Style from the previous week. Collection Conversations features Eki Ogunbor & Richard Akuson sharing their individual thoughts on featured collections from the previous week.

So, let’s get started.


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Eki: First up is Autumn Leaves with ‘Haka Na Tashi’

Richard: Interesting sleepwear collection, I’m not sure how to review this but the fact that someone thought of this is brilliant. But beyond that, all those pieces look very familiar. I’ve seen my cousins and friends in some of those

Eki: Yea it is. Something different. Oh really, they patronised the brand?

Richard: Lol. That’s the funny twist, they didn’t. Definitely different brands with similar designs

Eki: Ooooh Well, this is the buy Nigerian version I guess lol

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Richard: Yes. But it wouldn’t hurt to make it a little different in the process, yea?

Eki: Yea I get. But there’s only so much u can do with sleepwear/loungewear, it’s like VS Pink and the rest

Richard: No Eki I disagree, think Victoria Secret

Eki: Ehn but this isn’t lingerie oh

Richard: Victoria Secret has a sleepwear line too

Eki: Yes vs pink lol But I think that’s what they trying to do incorporating the the Hausa phrase

Richard: I understand. But there’s room for improvement

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Eki: Always! Do you have a fave?

Richard: No I don’t. But I do applaud the initiative

Eki: I like everything tbh lol

Richard: Eki likes everything ? now I feel bad

Eki: Lol, why? you said you appreciate it na. Ok moving on, Xclamations

Richard: I find Xclamations quite interesting. Firstly because the campaign features my girl Mimi Onalaja

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Eki: Yes!!

Richard: Then because of how vibrant the prints are

Eki: It’s amazing

Richard: And the asymmetrical hemlines used. Quite interesting

Eki: I’ve always love Xclamations, me i’m biased cuz I’ve worked with the brand before, I have no faults lol

Richard: Hahahahah Oh I see! Thought you worked at Wanni Fuga though?

Eki: Lol nope! Commenters were complaining about price but you’re getting quality too so #BuyNigerian!!

Richard: Hahahhaha Lol, then I’ll join them in complaining. If it’s too pricey Lol

Eki: It’s worth it jo lol. It’s not for everyone, Xclamations has their market

Richard: Lol. But their products look really mass market. So, I don’t think such pricing is justified

Eki: When I say that I mean they have their customers who buy regardless of the price

Richard: I understand Lol But I stand with BN commenters Lol

Eki: Lol ok Richie, do you have a fave?

Richard: Yes. The blue lace blouse and print pant. You?

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Eki: Haha, love that and the yellow lace top and the blue skirt, then the blue dress with multicoloured neck and the print maxi dress

Eki: I love it all
Next we have The Classic King Collection by King Hakbal

Richard: Yes, I love love love this collection

Eki: ME TOO!! lmao. I was scared you’d hate it

Richard: Oh my God, I don’t know if it’s because of the ‘models’ and how much they exude class or the finesse of the entire presentation

Eki: I don’t know if you hate agbada lol But this here, is how to run a fashion campaign

Richard: Hahahah Lol My dear, because living here has made me see too much of it. I most times expect more the more that I don’t always get, creatively and otherwise my dad for instance has a ton of them and it gets boring when I keep seeing his kind of agbada being recycled by ‘designers’

Eki: Lol ok now I understand

Richard: Exactly!

Eki: So which is your fave? Cuz I don’t even want to ask you to explain why you like it. But if I tried, I’d say picture quality, fine models and good tailoring.
Would you ever use a cane Richard? Like the one DJ Xclusive is holding

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Richard: Hahahahaha Never a cane Lol But yes, I kind of like the agbada on that Polish guy it looks good for the first time not like some costume. You know how white people wear African attires and they just never look good in them? But the agbada looks so good on him! But kai, DJ Xclusive is a fine man Lol This is really good. Clean and crisp

Eki: Lmao, Yes in looks good on him. It is! @ Clean and crisp. That’s your fave?

Richard: Urhmm, not exactly, just showing how fine he is Lol But I love the sky blue set with the carton coloured waist coat

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Eki: Oh Lol!!! Oh yea that’s niiiice, good choice. This is the perfect Nigerian menswear collection, it has a bit of everything. Not a lot of casual, dress down outfits but that’s fine I like everything else that’s occasionwear lol. The name of the collection ‘classic king’ is very fitting.

Richard: Yes, it’s a good collection!

Eki: So my faves are the blue suit, the greem suit, the multicoloured agbada and the white agbada you mentioned. Reminds me of yoruba demon too lol but those are my faves

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Richard: Hahaha Basically that’s what Abuja guys wear, those sort of white kaftans and agbadas and it makes them look so crisp. My brother kills in them too and they don’t understand why I refuse to wear kaftans

Eki: Why???? That’s true I’ve never seen you in one

Richard: Hahaha It’s been ages since I wore one but that’s because growing up my dad had our kaftans made to his own specifications they had to be a certain size (extra large for me) Lol. And it continued all the way until I got to the age where I could go behind him and have his tailor make it to my specifications (super tight). And they eventually came to his notice, lol, he’d flip out

Eki: LMAO! WHY super tight, whyyyyy! ? You want to kill the man lol

Richard: Well, maybe not super tight but super tight in his eyes

Eki: Lol Please let’s stop here we are digressing too much

Richard: Hahahaha Yes


Today’s title was inspired by the X in Xclamations and DJ Xclusive, a reference to an oldie by singer, Mya.

Photo Credits: Kadara Enyeasi | @enyeasi.k, Emmanuel Oyeleke | @emmanueloyeleke, Photonimi | @photonimi

Eki is the Editor for BellaNaija Style and Lifestyle Editor for She has a Vogue Fashion Certificate from Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design and also attended Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion and the University of Kent. Eki headed the Design Operations at a top Nigerian womenswear fashion brand before finding love at BellaNaija Style. Eki loves all things creative. Follow her on Instagram @ekiogunbor BellaNaija Style: | @bellanaijastyle BellaNaija Beauty: @bellanaijabeauty BellaNaija Living: | @bellanaijaliving
