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The Great New Trend on Twitter: #MusicInABottle | Find out What Young Nigerians have to say About Being Vibrant, Witty & Daring!

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MusicinaBottleWe noticed this innocuous hashtag on twitter a few days ago. In a minute and all of a sudden millions of young, vibrant and enterprising Nigerians are instigating revolving conversations on social media, sampling a myriad of opinions with these four words.

Apparently everyone is catching the #MusicInABottle bug and has something to say. There’s no doubt that times are changing and young people are the champions of it.

So what’s it all about? Well actually, we still don’t know for sure and we guess that’s just half the fun. In the meantime while we wait to unravel this trending mystery, find out what Nigerians such as enterprising Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi, Tosyn Bucknor, Toni Kan, Lamide AkintobiTolu Ogunlesi and more are saying about being young, vibrant, daring and innovative; all the things that separate and define the young Nigerian in this millennium.

You’re also free to join in the conversation and make a difference. Check out what others have been saying on Twitter.

Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013007Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013010Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013009Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013008Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013011Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013005Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013004Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013003Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013006Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013012Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013013Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013016Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013014Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013001Music in a Bottle - BellaNaija - October2013015


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