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Nigerian Man Faces 20 Years in Prison for Raping 92 Year Old

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Samuel Onyenweaku - June 2014 - 01
On Monday, Samuel Onyenweaku was convicted of rape, felonious assault and patient abuse for raping a 92-year-old woman on November 24th 2013.

22-year old Onyenweaku was a nursing aide at a Cincinnati nursing home, Amber Park Nursing Home.

According to Cincinnati Reports, a nursing supervisor was suspicious when she tried to enter the room of the 92-year-old resident and found the door locked.

After she unlocked it, she found the woman on her bed, naked from the chest down because her gown had been pushed up to her breasts. The supervisor saw a pair of male pants, underwear and shoes under the woman’s bed.

The supervisor also realized that the room’s private bathroom was locked. When it was opened Samuel Onyenweaku was standing there naked.

A prosecutor revealed that the woman died in February from an unrelated condition. She was a widow without children. The victim was bed ridden and unable to communicate, so if Samuel had not been found, the incident may have been unreported.

He could face up to 20 years in prison when he sentenced on July 28.
